Instant, Protected and Smooth

  • Select your card

    Choose from our range of prepaid cards tailored to your needs—whether it's for shopping, gaming, or everyday purchases.

  • Instant activation

    No waiting. Your LunarTap prepaid card is ready to use as soon as you sign up. Enjoy immediate access to funds.

  • Start sending

    Use your card anywhere that accepts Visa or Mastercard. Shop online, make in-store purchases, or top-up your favorite accounts instantly.

  • Online Shopping

    Shop your favorite online retailers without the need for a credit card.

  • Gaming and subscriptions

    Top-up your gaming accounts or pay for digital services like Netflix, Spotify, or Apple Music.

  • Global Payments

    Use your LunarTap card worldwide—whether you're traveling, paying bills, or sending money.

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Join thousands of users who trust LunarTap for fast, easy, and secure prepaid cards.

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Questions and Answers

  • Will I be taxed for the purchase of the code?

    Online codes and recharges are exempted from VAT or tax. You can make the most out of LunarTrap cards and vouchers minus the stress of paying anything additional.

  • Why did my credit card payment not go through?

    If your payment by credit card did not go through, there could be a few reasons for the same. The common causes of these are as follows -

    • Your credit limit may be over.
    • The credit on your card may be insufficient.
    • The transaction was marked as suspicious by the bank.
    • You may have entered the wrong details. There could have been a typographical error when entering the credit card number, expiration date, address, or security code.
    • Your payments against the credit card may be overdue, which could have caused the transaction to be paused by security.
  • What to do in such cases?

    You can contact your bank and/or the credit card company to find out more about the failed payment and ways to sort it. Check your credit card statement. If it says ‘Reserved’, it could mean that the bank has still not processed the cancellation. This means that your account still has the money, and it has not been transferred to us. In most cases, the Reserved Fund is cleared within five working days. If it has not yet happened, you need to speak with your bank and credit card organisation.

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